56F Abdominal pain 5 years, ileal perforation 1 year, Lump abdomen 1 month
A 56 year old female have complaints of pain abdomen since 10 days History of presenting illness-patient was apparently asymptomatic 6 months ago then she was diagnosed to had intestinal obstruction for which she got operated.Now she has complaints of left iliac fossa pain since 3 months aggregated since 10 days pricking type of pain continuous and associated with fever. No ho vomiting,diarrhoea No h/o blood in urine,Malena ,no h/o headacge,dizziness. No h/o SOB, palpitations,chest pain. K/c/o intestinal TB 3 years ago(used ATTmedication for 1year) K/c/o hypothyroidism 10 years ago on thyronorm 50 MCG K/c/o CAD 6 months aho N/k/c/o hypertension,diabetes,asthma,epilepsy. Treatment history Sx laparotomy for iliac perforation. Personal history: Diet :Mixed Appetite : normal Sleep: adequate Bowel and bladder movements: regular No significant family history General Examination: Patient is conscious,coherent and cooperative Moderately built and nourished Pallor, icteru...